Biased Observer

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 1:54 PM

This is my country

There will be no election season commentary because yours truly is sickened. If my ward is contested (unlikely but who knows), I am going away for a holiday because I cannot bring myself to participate in the farce.

Anonymous Anonymous wrote

Stumbled upon your page. Also an exile like you were but lucky enough (for the nonce) to remain an exile. Really, really, really appreciate what you are saying and doing with your blog. I'd be doing the same (holding on to sanity with words) if I were in your shoes.

For amusement -- and I know you need the stuff -- I hope you also look at these nonviolent blogs, these are some of my favorites:

Would love to stay and chat more but I think our anonymity-seeking impulses would find it queasy.

PS. I KNOW exactly what you mean about not being able to bear looking at the S'pore papers.  


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